
[9 weeks, 3 days]

Watch the video clip (8.4 Mb QuickTime) of some of the moves Mommy taught me that she learned from Grampa Jeff. He calls it a beak draw, gnaw, and go.

One Response to “Gooooooooooooooal!”

  1. Thunder says:

    Dear Bella,

    Hi, my name is Thunder and I am a golden retriever. I just met your
    grampa Jeff who is my new next store neighbor at Cranbrook. I live with
    the Millers and I am enjoying my new home. My new parents think I am
    very cute and Jeff tells me that I am very friendly.

    I am seven and was a owned by a breeder up north – if you look at your
    mom or dad’s hand, I was from a town half way up the thumb (your mom can
    explain, your dad is a flatlander from Ohio).

    Jeff tells me that you are new to your home too, and as a seven year
    old, I have some experience so let me know if you need any tips on how
    to fool your new parents.

    Lets meet an play sometime.

    Your new buddy, Thunder

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