

[1 year, 6 months]

I graduated from PETsMART’s Intermediate Training class today. I’ve really come a long way (or maybe it’s because I was tired) because I let Mommy put this silly hat on me and I posed for this photo without fussing.


Story time

[1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks]

Daddy read a story to me today about Labrador Retrievers.



[1 year, 5 months, 2 weeks]

Daddy bought me a NERF soccerball at the store. I LOVE playing with it. Because it’s so soft, I can really sink my teeth into it.



[1 year, 5 months, 2 weeks]

Here’s me playing one of my favorite games—wrapping my paws around Mommy’s hand and standing up.

Here’s a photo of me doing my best impersonation of Superdog while sleeping on the floor.


Rescue pups

[1 year, 5 months, 1 week]

Today Mommy and Daddy took me on a playdate with JB and his owner Julie. We went to Great Falls Park.

During our walk, we helped the local rescue squad rescue someone who was hurt.

Mommy and Daddy’s friend JB (Jim Brice) joined us for a bit too.



[1 year, 5 months]

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to see my breeder Mom Terri, breeder dad Frank, and my dog Mom Pearl. Isn’t she pretty?

I snapped at my Mom and we spent the rest of the night ignoring each other. This is the closest we got (I’m walking away on the left).


Look how I’ve grown

[1 year, 4 months, 3 weeks]

Daddy took this photo of me while I was sleeping.

Compare it with the photo below of me sleeping my first night at home (back on November 25, 2005) when I was a little over 8 weeks old to see how much I’ve grown.


Exercise time

[1 year, 4 months, 3 weeks]

I sometimes help Mommy do her stretches in the morning. Here are 3 video clips of me…

…observing Mommy to make sure she’s doing her exercise correctly: video clip (2.7 Mb MPEG). I don’t know what she finds so funny; this is serious business) …trying to motivate Mommy to do better by taking her mind off of the pain: video clip (1.4 Mb MPEG). …having Mommy stop because she’s doing it all wrong: video clip (3.2 Mb MPEG).

For some reason Mommy now makes sure that she stretches upstairs with the door closed.


New place to sleep

[1 year, 4 months, 2 weeks]

After over a year of sleeping on my bed on the floor, I’ve discovered a new, comfortable place to sleep—the couch. I don’t know why Daddy yelled at me (right after taking this photo) and made me get on the floor because he sleeps there sometimes. Even when he flipped up the cushions so that I wouldn’t jump on the couch, I found a way to get up there.



[1 year, 4 months, 2 weeks]

We had lots of snow last night so Mommy decided to work from home. I made sure to keep her feet nice and warm.

I love running around with my new rings that Mommy bought me, especially in the snow as in this video clip (4.5 Mb MPEG).